Missouri River Flood Task Force

Missouri River Flood Task Force Howard & Gertrude Ettleman, Percival, IA. Courtesy of Leo Ettleman Hamburg Breach, Courtesy of Leo Ettleman Displayed Buck, Courtesy of Jason McCauley, BIA The Beast, Hwy 136, Courtesy of Leo Ettleman

Regulatory/Permitting Working Group


Verlon Barnes, NRCS Missouri River Basin Coordinator

The Short-Term Goal of the Regulatory/Permitting Working Group is to very quickly provide consistent, concise and clear guidance to flood victims that significantly streamlines all the needed regulatory/permitting processes for flood recovery activities in order to accelerate recovery from the 2011 Missouri River Flood.

TASK #1: The Regulatory/Permitting Working Group participants will identify potential projects we expect to occur so we can get more specific with how we address permits/approvals and to be more specific when providing guidance.

TASK #2: Each Regulatory/Permitting Working Group participant will identify permits/approvals that their entity is responsible for that would be pertinent to this 2011 Flood recovery.

TASK #3: The Regulatory/Permitting Working Group will identify what categorical exclusions exist for this type of event, through NEPA or other laws. This may help determine which agency(s) should be a lead or consulting agency.

TASK #4: The Regulatory/Permitting Working Group will develop flood recovery guidance documents to be used on the Flood Task Force website and to be distributed to reach flood victims and entities assisting with flood recovery.

Working Group Products

Regulatory Working Group presentation to NAFSMA, August 14, 2012
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fact Sheet and Recommendations - 2011 Flood Clean-up and Repair
National Park Service - Missouri River 2011 Flood Wild & Scenic River Regulatory Information

Post-flood permitting under section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act:

When Permits are Needed for Flood Damage Repairs in IOWA - Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District

Regulatory Matrix, Public - January 3, 2012:

Courtesy of Leo Ettleman Big Elk Park, Courtesy of Leo Ettleman Courtesy of Maddison Sieck Courtesy of Maddison Sieck